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Fire Drill Friday: February Rally | Biden’s Executive Orders | Greenpeace USA

Welcome to this month’s Fire Drill Friday Rally! We’re stoked to be joined by Jane Fonda and powerful guests Congresswoman Cori Bush, Friends of the Earth Senior Fossil Fuels Program Manager Nicole Ghio, author and activist Terry Tempest Williams, musician and climate activist, Rico Sisney, and Co-Founder of T.E.J.A.S. Bryan Parras.

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About the guests:
Rico Sisney is a recording artist, educator and climate-justice activist from Chicago, Illinois, now based on occupied Ohlone land on the West Coast of the United States. Rico got involved with Greenpeace over 10 years ago working to support local efforts to shut down two of the dirtiest coal power plants in the country on Chicago’s South Side. Last year, he was one of 22 activists who demonstrated at the Fred Hartman Bridge in Houston calling for leaders to imagine a world beyond fossil fuels and embrace a just transition to renewable energy. Rico is a host and producer for Greenpeace’s environmental justice-themed podcast, “What We Need Now.”

Bryan Parras is a lifelong resident of Houston’s historic East End barrios, a Mexican American working-class community. After graduating from the University of Texas in Austin, Bryan started helping organize cultural arts programs through Nuestra Palabra, Latino Writers Having Their Say. Mr. Parras became a co-producer and board operator for Nuestra Palabra’s radio show on KPFT and started making his own media with new emerging digital tools. A teacher at the time, Bryan also began organizing with his father who had already started to focus on environmental justice issues in the community. When the City of Houston started construction of a new high school next to three petrochemical plants, Bryan put his media skills to work and began to document environmental and social justice movement stories. In 2005, Bryan co-founded t.e.j.a.s. and started advocating for communities in the same east end barrios he grew up in.

Congresswoman Cori Bush is a registered nurse, community activist, organizer, single mother, and ordained pastor for the people of St. Louis. Congresswoman Bush is serving her first term as the representative of Missouri’s 1st Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. She is the first Black woman and first nurse to represent Missouri; the first woman to represent Missouri’s 1st Congressional District; and the first activist from the movement fighting for Black lives elected to the United States Congress.

Nicole Ghio has spent over a decade fighting deadly fossil fuel projects across the globe, as well as the institutions, policymakers, and finance that support them. She has led successful campaigns to force corrupt officials out of office and worked with a broad coalition of stakeholders to halt fossil fuel expansion in the U.S. As the Senior Fossil Fuels Program Manager at Friends of the Earth, Nicole advocates for a just transition away from our dependance on dirty fuels that endanger our communities and our climate.

Terry Tempest Williams is a citizen writer who has written seventeen books including the environmental literature classic, “Refuge — An Unnatural History of Family & Place;” “Finding Beauty in a Broken World;” “When Women Were Birds;” “The Hour of Land;” and most recently, “Erosion – Essays of Undoing.” Known for her impassioned prose that integrate the poetics of place with an ethic of place, she continues to show us how environmental issues are economic issues, social issues, and ultimately, issues of justice. We see through her writing that has been translated world-wide, how the climate crisis is not just a political crisis, but a spiritual one. Terry Tempest Williams is currently writer-in-residence at the Harvard Divinity School where she and her husband, Brooke Williams divide their time between Cambridge, Massachusettes and Castle Valley, Utah.



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