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Jane Fonda and Heather C. McGhee Discuss Racial Injustice and Environmental Racism | Greenpeace USA

We’re back for another Fireside Fire Drill with Jane Fonda and Heather C. McGhee, advocate, author, speaker, and Distinguished Senior Fellow at Demos, for a conversation on racial injustice, environmental racism, inequality, COVID-19, and a Green New Deal.

Heather C. McGhee designs and promotes solutions to inequality in America. In her TED talk, “Racism Has a Cost for Everyone”, she shares startling insights into how racism fuels bad policymaking and drains our potential for a sustainable and prosperous future. Her forthcoming book, “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together”, is now available for pre-order at The book includes a chapter on the racist roots and strategies of the opposition to climate justice.

To watch more Fireside Fire Drills, visit:


Written by Option

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