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Jane Fonda and Kassie Siegel Reveal California's Dirty Secret | Greenpeace USA

We’re back for another Tuesday Teach-in with Jane Fonda, Fire Drill Fridays, and Greenpeace USA! In this episode Jane talks with environmental lawyer Kassie Siegel about California’s dirty secret: it’s massive oil production. They discuss how the oil industry undercuts California’s progress on climate change and poisons the air we breathe and the water we drink — and what Gov. Gavin Newsom needs to do to stop the pollution.

Press play and text JANE to 877-877 to take action with Jane Fonda & Greenpeace USA and receive updates for virtual Fire Drill Fridays!

Kassie Siegel is an environmental lawyer and director of the Center for Biological Diversity’s Climate Law Institute. She has spent her entire career in the new field of climate law, from forcing the George W. Bush administration to protect the polar bear under the Endangered Species Act due to global warming to bringing dozens of lawsuits to stop fossil fuel extraction.

Please note: This teach-in was filmed on March 5th, 2020, before the COVID-19 crisis had taken root, and the interview does not reflect that context.


Written by Option

Option ist eine idealistische, völlig unabhängige und globale “social media Plattform” zu Nachhaltigkeit und Zivilgesellschaft, 2014 gegründet von Helmut Melzer. Gemeinsam zeigen wir positive Alternativen in allen Bereichen auf und unterstützen sinnvolle Innovationen und zukunftsweisende Ideen – konstruktiv-kritisch, optimistisch, am Boden der Realität. Die Option-Community widmet sich dabei ausschließlich relevanten Nachrichten und dokumentiert die wesentlichen Fortschritte unserer Gesellschaft.

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