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LIVE: Fire Drill Fridays – Jane Fonda and Derrick Johnson Discuss the Georgia Runoffs | Greenpeace USA

As the Senate race in Georgia tightens and the end of the year rapidly approaches, join Jane Fonda and Derrick Johnson, President of the NAACP, while they share their reflections on this year, discuss what role climate change plays in the critical run-off elections for two Senate seats in Georgia, and how we can make sure the voters who helped flip Georgia and other states have their voices heard in Washington.

Why is there a run-off election? To win a seat in a Georgia election, the candidate must get at least 50% of the vote. In the November election, this did not happen for either Senate seat on the ballot, so there will be a special run-off election on January 5th. Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock are running against incumbents Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue.

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About Derrick Johnson:

Derrick Johnson serves as President and CEO of the NAACP, a title he has held since October of 2017. This year alone, under President Johnson’s leadership, the NAACP has undertaken such efforts as the “Log Out” Facebook Campaign, pressuring Facebook after reports of Russian hackers targeting African Americans, the We are Done Dying Campaign, exposing the inequities embedded into the American healthcare system and the country at large, the victorious Supreme Court lawsuit NAACP vs. Trump, which prevents Donald Trump’s administration from rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program for millions of young immigrants, and most recently called for the Biden Administration to appoint to create a new position—National Advisor to the President on Racial Justice, Equity and Advancement. A Detroit Native and resident of Jackson, Mississippi, Mr. Johnson is a veteran activist who has dedicated his career to defending the rights and improving the lives of Black Americans.


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