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Write for Rights 2019: Mexico | Amnesty USA

José Adrián was on his way home from school when police jumped him and threw him against their car. One officer stomped on his neck.

Then aged just 14, Adrián lived in an impoverished community in Mexico. A hearing disability may have prevented him from communicating well with police during his ordeal. Adrián had stumbled onto the aftermath of a clash between a group of youths that ended up damaging a police car.The police arrested just Adrián, with no explanation, and didn’t call his parents. During his arrest, police followed a familiar pattern in Mexico, targeting the poor and discriminated against –in this case, a young Indigenous boy. Officers shoved Adrián into their car and drove him to the police station where they strung him up by handcuffs. “They left me for almost, like, half an hour there,” he says.“They hit me on my chest. Then they slapped me across the face.

”To get their son released, Adrián’s family had to pay a fine and the cost of damage to the patrol car–money they couldn’t afford. Adrián dropped out of school because of what happened.

After years of seeking justice, in early 2019 Adrián was given a hearing aid. Adrián wants to leave this behind andstart planning for the future, but the police who assaulted him remain unpunished and the family is still waiting for the government to make amends.“I want there to be justice,” says Adrián’s mom. We agree.


Written by Option

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