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Write for Rights: Idris Khattak | Amnesty USA

Idris Khattak, 56, extensively researched enforced disappearances in Pakistan for Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. In a cruel twist, Idris himself was forcibly disappeared on 13 November 2019. No one even knew that he had been abducted until the driver he was with was released by the men who took him.

His family was warned not to publicly campaign for his return. After six months, his 20-year-old daughter Talia Khattak, broke her silence. With Amnesty International, Talia began fighting for her father’s return.

The public attention worked and a rare admission from the country’s security agencies announced that they had him in his custody.

Unfortunately, Idris is in danger of being slapped with espionage charges under the Official Secrets Act. This could result in a length prison term or even the death sentence.

Idris has been described as selfless, loving and generous with what he had. He spent his life researching human rights violations and bringing them to light and is now being punished for his work.


Written by Option

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