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Rights & Wrongs: Is Ethnic Cleansing Returning to Darfur? | Human Right Watch

The deadly power struggle between two military generals in Sudan has spilled over into Darfur. Once again, the conflict-weary region west of the capital is experiencing attacks and atrocities that echo events of two decades ago.

Then, more than 300 thousand mostly non-Arab civilians died in an ethnic cleansing campaign in Darfur.

Today, hundreds of thousands have fled the region into neighboring Chad. Many more fear for their lives.

Niemat Ahmadi, a survivor of the first cycle of violence in Darfur and the founder of the Darfur Women’s Action Group and Belkis Wille, the Associate Director of the Crisis and Conflict Division at Human Rights Watch who has recently returned from Chad talk to us about the scale of the violence, the root causes of the conflict and the urgent need for intervention and humanitarian assistance for the hundreds of thousands who’ve had to flee.

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