Committee for the promotion of women in rural areas, COPROFER asbl in acronym, is a non-profit association which intervenes for the promotion of rural women and helps vulnerable children of all and rural communities, intervenes in crises, in agriculture and livestock, in human rights, in education, in citizen and health awareness, …
It was created in April 2004 and approved by the Congolese State on May 6, 2004 by the head of the division of justice and keeper of the seals of the province of South Kivu. Working at the base, COPROFER is recognized by the local administration by letter n ° 5072/066 / N.8 / 2004 from the head of the capital BURHINYI.
Examine the conditions in which rural women live, vulnerable children (orphans, disabled children) Pygmies and their children abandoned to their misery, have no future, no value, no possibility of living and training, have an income , receive less attention and less medical care, especially human values, less for rural women. Thus, to try to overcome this critical situation, COPROFER ASBL, is in the region in order to provide concrete solutions to these multiple problems. Note that COPROFER mainly takes care of women, small rural girls, disabled children, orphans and the elderly.
1. a. Full physical and cellular address
0048, Av. Jean Mirhuho 2, Q. Panzi, C. d’Ibanda, V. de Bukavu, en RD Congo
Téléphone: +243971357598 Email:
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