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The community principle as a birthplace for urban development of the future

A small Ukrainian town leads the way: Newly discovered community spirit can overcome hierarchies in a short time, and also lead to the setting of a decisive course. The fourth winning project of the URBAN MENUS Smart City Calls (, announced by the Austrian-Argentine architect & urban planner Laura P. Spinadel, has been determined. In the Smart City Chiefs category, the city of Koblevo is honoured. In an incredibly short period of time, entirely new collaborative paths have been taken that promise smart urban design on the Black Sea.

In Koblevo, there is a need for innovation in the areas of urban infrastructure, safety, mobility, and tourism. The city wants to become more appealing to locals and attract year-round travellers. It is particularly challenging to reconcile the interests of different area owners. “We have seen negative results when planning was done without a common vision,” explains Svitlana Talokha, secretary of the city administration. The importance “to work together in a participatory process to achieve better results” is also emphasized by Serhii Fedosieiev, chairman of the local development agency Koblivskoyi UTC.

A few months ago, a process for the participation of important stakeholders including citizens was started. New potentials are coming to light: A new legislation for neighbourhood development is coming into force in July, the exchange with a neighbouring city for the implementation of a leisure area in the harbour is taking place, two city tour miles are conceivable – cooperation is taking place on all fronts. The local business community is also pulling in the same direction: “It’s ambitious, but we will do our best to support it,” says Oleh Bozz, chairman of Koblevo’s business association.

The city was honoured by URBAN MENUS as a good example of what coming together and thinking together in a structured way – across hierarchies – can already achieve at the pre-planning stage and how processes can thus be streamlined for the benefit of the whole. All too often, those with central responsibility are only involved towards the end of processes, and negative decisions are made which cancel out what has previously been worked on. This costs time and, due to a lack of satisfaction, money for corrective actions. In Koblevo, courage and commitment work for a strong consensus from the very beginning. Problems are solved together, and the risk of surprises, later on, is reduced.

Learn more about Koblevo at

Initial spark for something big – the URBAN MENUS Smart City Calls continue to be open to all who are working on consensual visions and solutions for an urban future worth living.

In the upcoming months, more exciting products, services and cities/urban projects from around the world will be featured:

The Smart City Chief Call ( is open for mayors with special urban visions, the Smart City Products & Services Call ( for smart products and services. Submission is a chance for a presentation within the URBAN MENUS 3D smart city platform, an impact analysis, an exchange of experience and knowledge, and long-term collaboration.

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Written by Laura P. Spinadel

Laura P. Spinadel (1958 Buenos Aires, Argentina) ist eine Austro-argentinische Architektin, Urban Designerin, Theoretikerin, Lehrerein und Gründerin von BUSarchitektur & BOA büro für offensive aleatorik in Wien. In internationalen Fachkreisen als Pionierin der ganzheitlichen Architektur durch die Compact City und den Campus WU bekannt. Ehrendoktor der Transakademie der Nationen, Parlament der Menschheit. Gegenwärtig arbeitet sie an der partizipativ und wirkungsorientierten Zukunftsplanung durch Urban Menus einem interaktiven Gesellschaftsspiel, um unsere Städte in 3D mit einem einvernehmlichen Ansatz zu gestalten.
2015 Preis der Stadt Wien für Architektur
1989 Förderungspreis für experimentelle Tendenzen in der Architektur des BMUK

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